Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Bringing the Walls Down

I have metaphorically used scaffolding, a wall that encloses or supports a building or structure, throughout my writing and I continue that theme here.

There comes a time when the walls of scaffolding need to come down.  Is there a wall of scaffolding that is surrounding you?  Perhaps it is even holding you back from your forward progress.  It takes faith to move beyond the walls of the scaffolding.  It takes faith to move from the walls of certainty into an area of uncertainty.  It takes faith to move from the safety and assurance of the known into an area of unknown.  It takes faith to see beyond today and look towards a brighter tomorrow.  It takes faith to choose path A over path B.  You may ask, which way is my most prosperous future?  You may wonder which way promises healthy living.  You may ask the Lord, which way is the plan You have for my life?  If I am to walk in the will of God, which path should I take?
Matthew 7: 13-14 lays part of it out for you.  From the NKJV it says, “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”  In this parable, the broad path symbolizes the myriad of choices, feel good moments, and quick fixes but they each lead to an end of destruction.  The narrow way sounds like it may be hard to get through but it is, however, wide enough for all that choose it.  This path is for those that choose to place God first and follow his plan for your future.  The narrow path leads to a life of purpose and hope with an expected end.

It may take reaching beyond our familiar comfort zone, but reach out, press forth, make a difference.  God bless you.


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