Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Renewal


Returning to my blog after a lengthy hiatus, I continue to use scaffolding metaphorically as a person, a situation, an illness, or anything that you can identify as something in or around your life that needs to come down. During this time away, I completed a Master’s Degree, moved to new city, and accomplished a few other tasks that were set before me.  Now I suggest that during this season of renewing and refreshing, allow your soul and spirit an opportunity to reconnect with God. 

There is a quote that says, “A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.”  My personal experience is that the initial step towards my goal takes great faith, but it is that step of that faith that leads to an outcome better than I ever expected.  Let me give you an example.
It was a great accomplishment in my life when I obtained my Bachelor’s degree so when the idea was presented to pursue a Master’s Degree, it felt so far away, almost unreachable; however that first step of faith led to the planning, the preparation, and ultimately the realization of that magnificent goal.

Whatever your goals, wishes, or aspirations, take the first step of faith towards fulfillment.  Tear down the scaffolding of doubt, indecision, and fear and let there be a spring time in your life where your dreams and plans bloom and the rivers of your thoughts flow fresh with new ideas.
Mount up with wings as eagles and soar…


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