Friday, June 7, 2013

May Thoughts/June Thoughts

May Thoughts
The foundation is built and what goes in the foundation helps solidify the structure that will sit on top of it.  If your foundation is solid, if it has been laid with love, compassion, and making right choices, then your life will reflect righteousness and purposeful living.  I have heard it said, “Do what’s right because it’s what’s right.”

It was Mother’s Day, Memorial Day, and the anniversary of the passing of my brother.  My previous message of removing the scaffolding of grief applied to me repeatedly throughout the month.  It was a necessary to remove that part of the scaffolding that suffocated like a shroud.  The light came in and the sweet memories were once again revealed. 
Mother's Day is one of the many occasions we are given to reflect on our mother’s love and the support we were given over the years as well as the impact she had on our lives making us who we are today.  I remember my mother having the heart and the wisdom to see in me my strengths and hopes yet supporting me in my difficult times.  What do you remember about your mother?  If she is still here, when did you last speak to her, shared a pleasant thought?  If she is not still here, think of your fondest memory now and allow the light from your scaffolding to shine through.

June Thoughts
Be a person of integrity.
Hold on to your integrity.
Your plan, your goal, your ultimate desire should be to live a life of integrity.
Never allow falsehoods and negativity to engulf you.
Who are you when the scaffolding comes down?
When the walls are bare, and there’s no one there?
Who are you?
Where do you stand?
Do you have an unbreakable grip on integrity?


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