Friday, March 2, 2012

Education...Let's Make it Better

Continuing my discussion on education…this subject is near and dear to my heart.  Why does it seem that many aspects of our education system are continuing on a downward spiral?  How employable are the children who we continue to advance from grade to grade?  What is one contributing factor to the success or lack of success in our children’s education? 

Parent involvement.

Students have shown greater motivation, fewer behavioral problems, and overall improved success when parents are actively involved in their child’s education.  I often hear parents say they do not understand a particular subject but I hasten to say that it is not so critical that the parents have full understanding of the curriculum but it is critical that the parent show an interest and become actively involved.

Parental involvement can be accomplished by simply reading a book to their child, having a conversation with them perhaps at the dinner table regarding the day’s activities, and even sharing personal stories with their children.  We have become so enthralled with technology and I agree totally that the technological advances have proven so beneficial; however parents we need to limit the time our children spend on the computer, television, and video games.  Success in school has often been related to household income or race.  Regardless of race or income students will be successful because their parents put more effort into guaranteeing their child’s success.

Just a few of my thoughts on education (more to follow)…what are your thoughts?  I welcome your comments.



  1. It's always the little things that make the biggest impact in a child mind. We should focus that child future not the current situation in there life.

    1. Very true because the current situation does not determine what the future holds. Although as adults, as mentors, as teachers, as parents it is up to us to provide that child with the foundation for a purposeful and promising future. I read an article that discussed the future trends of education and it painted a very sobering picture of our children being under prepared for the future especially in certain, math, and reading. Many schools now have coaches (both paid and volunteer) to assess the children's academic needs and provide the academic boost needed to keep them on the road to success.

      President Obama stated he wants every child to attend college and that may sound far-reaching but it is certainly attainable if we would continue to focus on and invest in our children and the education system.

