Saturday, February 18, 2012

Scaffolding of Grief...continued

In one of my previous blogs, I discuss grief and one thing I mention is to embrace your grief and don't fight it. Allow grief to run its course while through the process allowing God to truly heal you.  I have also mentioned that grief can be metaphorically compared to scaffolding in that it is not a permanent structure in your life.  It is, however, your choice to remove it at some point or allow it to continue surrounding your life.

My personal experience has been that only through God’s grace and healing I was able to understand that the scaffolding of grief in my life needed to come down.  It is important to realize that love is greater than any power death may think it has over us.
With that said, I offer this poetic tribute to my mother, Braddella Elisabeth Brown who blessed me with excellent mothering and was taken from this life at the early age of 51 on February 18, 1983.

Mother dear you will always be
My mother so loving and so loved by me
You blessed my life in so many ways
Our memories I’ll cherish until the end of my days
You left me too soon and this was not part of our plan
But God’s wishes always come before those of man
Mommy’s heart, though filled with love simply became too weak
She fought the good fight; till finally she reached her peak.
A bond we shared so strong and so true
A bond unlike any other
A bond shared only by a daughter and her mother.
Being with God, she’s found rest and peace
In this I have comfort and some happiness at least
My mother dear you will always be
My Mother so loving and so loved by me.



  1. Enjoyed your writing so much - thanks for sharing. Liza
