Monday, February 13, 2012

We MUST Rise...

Dear Children All Over the World,

The choice to hang your heads in the dungeon of despair or hold your heads high in the clouds of hope is yours alone to make.

Do not be ashamed or embarrassed because you come from what others consider as humble beginnings.

Matters not what names others call you.

What matters most is the name you answer to.

Matters not from where you come since greatness has and will continue to come from the strangest of places, from the unexpected, from the plain and ordinary, from the rich or the poor.

Out of the ashes of dashed dreams, out of the suppressive hands of adversity, out of the unbridled mouths of little children, the humble, the powerful, the weak, and the strong, greatness must be anticipated, expected.

Believe that you can.  Believe that you will.  Believe that you must keep rising after countless falls for you will survive if you keep your eyes on the greatness of God’s faithfulness.

Anonymous input with my thoughts added in.  Your comments and input are always welcome…


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