Saturday, February 11, 2012

Let's Talk About It...

Three Topics of Concern

Performed a ceremony during which a rabbi from the Messianic Judaism movement crowned Bishop Eddie Long king?!  Wrapped him in a Torah scroll that was supposedly a 312-year-old scroll belonging to the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II, brought him in on a throne, and paraded him around the pulpit.  After all the darkness in his life that has come to light, I do not understand how the very thought of crowning him king can even be entertained.  My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ came into town riding on a donkey! And HE is the KING of KINGS.  Stop worshipping the “man of God” and start worshipping the God of man!

In so many communities, within a 5-mile radius, there are over five “black churches.”  It simply does not make any sense.  Are all called to minister AND start a church?  I just wonder why we as a people, as a race who pray continuously for unity in the body of Christ cannot figure out a way to come together and promote unity from a unified standpoint.

Churches are going into foreclosure.  Member’s homes are going into foreclosure.  There are multiple broken homes in the very community where the church stands.  Unity, love, helping our fellow man, witnessing and sharing the love of God.  Are we practicing what we preach or is it “our four and no more?” Many churches are reaching out to their communities, trying to provide a helping hand and give hope to many that are lost, and feeling hopeless.  However, even the churches can work harder on the concept of joining together especially during this critical economic slump.

There is a major problem with our education system.  Working as a substitute teacher has afforded me the opportunity to see children from very diverse backgrounds.  I spoke with a 4th grade teacher over lunch one day and she said our kids are treated as second-class citizens in this country.  If our government would simply invest more in our children (similar to other countries), we would see more highly motivated, educated, and prepared children.  A greater investment needs to be made in teacher’s salary.  The teacher I spoke to said there has been no raises in over 3 years only a step increase that does not even change the paycheck.

The test scores are dreadfully low yet the students are pushed on from grade to grade and at the time of graduation, many students can hardly read or write.

There is much more violence in the schools.  Many children live with one parent or perhaps a grandparent or other relative and a surprising number of children are homeless. These and many other issues can only be dealt with properly motivated and trained staff.  The staffing needs have changed over the years.

The purpose of education is to prepare our children to succeed in life, and without investing in their education, we continue to fail.
Thank you for reading.  I welcome your comments...



  1. Unity in the church: It is surprising how many times i have been asked by devout Christians if i attend a black or a white church. My answer is always the same,"its no fun if its not a mixture"

    1. Thank you for your reply. I love your response and you are right that "it's no fun if it's not a mixture." “Unity in the body of Christ" does not mean unity only if specific colors are together. Especially since the Bible says in Acts 10: 34-35 that "God is no respecter of persons (God does not show favoritism) but accepts from every nation the one who fears him and does what is right." So why are we often so surprised to see someone of a different “color” walk through the doors of “our” church when God offers salvation to and will accept ANYONE who fears him and does what is right?
