Saturday, January 28, 2012

Personal Transformation

I have seen so many slogans, books, and articles that talk about transforming your body into the perfect size, transforming your diet into the perfect diet, transforming your home into the perfect home…how about a spiritual transformation that allows us to strive for a perfect fellowship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Throughout our lives, there are situations that cause change, circumstances that cause change, and sometimes just the mere cycle of life brings about many changes.  Regardless of the change, regardless of the circumstance, always be mindful of the following scripture:

Romans 12:2 (KJV)
“And be not conformed to this world:
but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind,
that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable,
and perfect, will of God.”

When we consider the scaffolding in our life and the process of determining the time or season for it to come down, also consider the personal transformation that occurs.

What is the difference between transformation and simple change?  

Excellent question!

Things often change without getting better; and sometimes things change for the worse.  Even change for the good, is not necessarily transformative.  However, seek a spiritual transformation through the application of scripture to our daily living.

Personal transformation will empower you to grow from where you are to limitless possibilities.  As we learn who we are in Christ, what we are in Christ, and what capabilities we have through Him, the scaffolding will no longer hinder us in our life, rather it will be a tool to help us learn how to actively pursue and participate in the life God has for us.

Allowing God to personally transform you by renewing your mind is an ongoing process but it can and will be accomplished by the power of the Holy Spirit, as you trust him in your daily walk.

Personal transformation while renewing our mind through Christ makes us realize that we do not have to change the world, but that God can transform all things as we attend to our place in life. 

We have the ability through Jesus Christ to bring about positive and lasting change in your life.

  1. What area in your life would you like to transform?
  2. What area has already been transformed?
  3. What results are you looking forward to seeing?
  4. What results have you already seen?

Thank you for reading...I look forward to your comments.



  1. I thank God for my transformation, I want to be the best man, husband, father and friend.

    1. As you continue to press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus, you will continue to be the best man, husband, father and friend.
