Wednesday, March 8, 2017


I want to be numb, but I feel it
I want to be deaf, but I hear it
I want to be blind, but I see it
The sights and sounds of this world can be overwhelming.
Thankfully I am neither numb, nor deaf, nor blind.
For if I was numb, I wouldn't feel your hand in mine
If I was deaf, I wouldn't hear your whispers of love in my ear
If I was blind, I wouldn't see the twinkle in your eyes.
Ours is rare
Ours is unique
Ours has transcended all boundaries
This love is one of a kind.
The world’s attempts to overshadow us are fruitless
We are constant, our love endures.
31 years ago today, I met Levi.  I love you my husband.


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