Friday, February 24, 2017

February sidebar...

34 years ago today we said our final farewell to my mother.  It will soon be 15 years that we said farewell to my brother.  Indeed my heart aches for them both. I'm so thankful for my husband whom I love dearly and my children who mean more to me than words can ever express.

The moral of this brief message is simple:  don't allow your life to be consumed with the pain and suffering that is so prevalent every day.  Life is too precious, too short for all this dumb stuff. We must; however, change what we are able to change.  We must be the change we want to see.  Hold fast to your faith, facing each day with determination, commitment, and hope for the future.  May seem unrealistic, but try.

Love the one you're with.

Hug your kids.

Don't let another day go by without doing something good.

When it's all said and done, you will have left a legacy that those remembering you will be proud to speak of.


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