Monday, June 22, 2015

Hold on...the Amen Corner

What does amen mean?  It is so, so be it, an acknowledgement of agreement of the truth as it pertains to the Word of God.  I was taught that it is a statement of belief in and truth of God’s word.

With that in mind, as I was rolling down the avenue with my car radio tuned in to a talk show, I heard the guest minister reiterate what the killer at Mother Emmanuel said, he chose the victims not because they were Christian but because they were black and that he was leaving someone alive to tell the story.  As the guest minister concluded, the host of the show responded with, “Amen.”  My opinion was that was NOT an “Amen” moment.  

That was a moment to disagree wholeheartedly with that mode of thinking and then continue the discussion.  Amen should not be used randomly and without thought.

Back to the matter at hand, so many lives have been lost due to gun violence leaving many grieving families and communities as a result of shootings.  We must continue to pray for these families and communities.  The journey ahead is long but we will continue to pray for peace, strength, justice, and God’s guidance.




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