Friday, June 19, 2015

Hold On

As the title of this blog states, Take the Scaffolding Down!  It is time to tear down the scaffolding that surrounds us of racial and social injustice and of the killings.  We are faced with tragedy after tragedy as though it were a plague sweeping our land.  As we are faced with yet another tragedy, our minds and our souls struggle with the realization of another killing that has torn into the heart of families, communities, and our nation.

Grasping the reality of yet another tragic event, those of us with faith in God realize that we must hold fast to the profession of our faith, the Bible says, without wavering.  Truth be told, do these events not cause us to waver? We may waver but as I admonish you, I admonish myself, don’t fall.  Stand fast and fight the good fight of faith.  There is much pain, sorrow, anger, and grief but we must hold each other up and pray for each other.  

Persevere and hold on to the hope and the faith that our efforts and our prayers and our marches and our legislative actions and our calls for justice and change will not be in vain but will reap a harvest of love of peace and of social change so desperately needed.




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