Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Pass Me a Cookie

I recall a wonderful beautician I had when I lived in Texas.  Every time I walked out of her shop, I looked like I had the best hair style in town.  But not only did I get my hair done; I got my head done too.  She always deposited positive words of wisdom in me.  One day I told her about an incident with my son and the discipline that followed from his father.  As I shared this with my beautician, she simply told me wait until your husband is finished then go give your son a cookie.  Not a literal cookie, but the motherly love that will remind him that discipline comes because we love him.  The cookie represented the encouragement and love needed to move on from that moment.    And on a side note, when my mother disciplined me, she used to say, “This hurts me more than it hurts you.”  I never believed that until I became a mother and my own child needed discipline!

Discipline, correction, even constructive criticism does not feel good; however, it is a necessary part of the process of building character, building hope, and helping you pursue your destiny and reach your goals. — Pass Me a Cookie

Be aware of your inner voice that often questions “Can I?” “Will I be able to…?”  Do not allow it to keep you from doing you. – Pass Me a Cookie

On your journey to success, there will be obstacles, but continue to pursue.  I remind you to stand firm and prepare yourself to go forward.

What is your cookie?  What keeps you with a positive mindset focusing on what lies ahead?  Is it your faith in God?  Is it knowing that the Bible says that you can, with faith, tell the mountain to move out of your way and it will move?  (Paraphrased from Mark 11:23).  Maybe your cookie is knowing that the Bible says in Matthew 19:26 with God all things are possible. 

Maybe your cookie is your determination to be a change agent, to be the one to make a difference?  If so, recall this famous quote from Mahatma Gandhi, you must be the change you wish to see in the world.

Nothing is accomplished as you sit idly wondering and wishing.  Get up, bake the cookies AND pass them around.  Allow your excitement and determination to be contagious.


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Implode or Explode?

As the scaffolding comes down, don’t let it implode and cancel your plans, your vision, or your goals.  When it is identified and your decision has been made, stand firm and hold fast to your decision not allowing discouragement to cause you to waver.  Be prepared for discouragement, it will come and it will come in many forms:  family, friends, procrastination, fear, the weather, etc.  Discouragement can cause the walls of the scaffolding you have fought so hard to bring down to implode canceling what you have worked so hard for.

How do you respond?  Do you implode also or do you stand in the face of adversity, in the face of discouragement and declare I will face the challenge; I will speak to this mountain and go forth to reach my destiny, my goal, and accomplish the purpose God has planned for me.

Standing firm strengthens your will and your faith.  Believe in yourself and your successes just as God believes in you and the plans he has purposed for you that will give you a future and hope.

I leave you to ponder this familiar poem by Langston Hughes…

A Dream Deferred
Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore–
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over–
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

I hope this message inspires and challenges you to stand firm, push through and anticipate the explosion of your vision and your dream into reality.


Sunday, April 13, 2014

Spring Renewal


Returning to my blog after a lengthy hiatus, I continue to use scaffolding metaphorically as a person, a situation, an illness, or anything that you can identify as something in or around your life that needs to come down. During this time away, I completed a Master’s Degree, moved to new city, and accomplished a few other tasks that were set before me.  Now I suggest that during this season of renewing and refreshing, allow your soul and spirit an opportunity to reconnect with God. 

There is a quote that says, “A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.”  My personal experience is that the initial step towards my goal takes great faith, but it is that step of that faith that leads to an outcome better than I ever expected.  Let me give you an example.
It was a great accomplishment in my life when I obtained my Bachelor’s degree so when the idea was presented to pursue a Master’s Degree, it felt so far away, almost unreachable; however that first step of faith led to the planning, the preparation, and ultimately the realization of that magnificent goal.

Whatever your goals, wishes, or aspirations, take the first step of faith towards fulfillment.  Tear down the scaffolding of doubt, indecision, and fear and let there be a spring time in your life where your dreams and plans bloom and the rivers of your thoughts flow fresh with new ideas.
Mount up with wings as eagles and soar…
