Thursday, January 19, 2012

Introducing My First Blog!

Welcome to SharB’s Blog!  This is my first of many blogs to come.  I have decided to create this blog because, as my husband says, I have a lot to say.  I have been blessed with the opportunity to teach women’s ministry, teach Sunday school, and substitute teach in the public school…but that is just not enough.  I still have more information to share, more stories to tell, more encouragement to give, and most importantly more of God’s Word to share.  The book I started writing is still simmering and not quite ready to go to press. Therefore, this blog is going to be an excellent avenue for me to get some of my thoughts, information, stories, and more out to you the reader.

In the words of Mahalia Jackson:
If I can help somebody, as I pass along,
If I can cheer somebody, with a word or song,
If I can show somebody, how they're travelling wrong,
Then my living shall not be in vain
Notice the title of this blog:  It’s Time to Take the Scaffolding Down
This title came as I recalled a Sunday school lesson I attended many years ago when the Pastor compared our parents to the scaffolding (temporary, movable platform or a supporting framework) on a building.  He stated that when construction is completed and the building can stand on its own the scaffolding is removed.  
I remember the tears flowing as God showed me in that moment through that simple metaphor why my mother passed away when I was 19 years old.  The supportive structure she had provided during the first 19 years of my life needed to be removed.  I needed to stand on my own.  And I did stand…why? It was the grace of God and because my foundation and development had reached a point where I was able to stand on my own.  At the time my mother passed away, I was not able to comprehend this; nor was I willing to accept it.  It felt as though the scaffolding had been stripped away.  It took many years for me to reach acceptance and understanding of this and to realize that God was orchestrating a purpose and a plan for my life.
Consider the scaffolding in your life.
As you reflect on the scaffolding in your life, realize that scaffolding comes in a myriad of forms ranging from parents, children, or other family members to relationships, jobs, habits, or hobbies, sickness, grief, and more.  Each person must identify his or her own scaffolding and through prayerful consideration determine if that scaffolding is blocking or hindering your forward progress.
Does it sometimes feel as though your scaffolding has been stripped away?  Are you still feeling wobbly?  Perhaps the scaffolding represents a temporary situation in life that needs repairs.
There is much more I will say regarding scaffolding.  As you ponder this first blog post, I welcome your comments.



  1. I have watched you through the years secretly annotate your life experiences and beliefs to yourself. I thank God you have now stepped out to let the world be blessed by the love, intellect, and beautiful you have as a woman. Keep writing SharB, because they will read, I love you Hubby.

    1. I can't even begin to tell you how much your love and support mean to me. I love you too!


  2. This is really good. An excellent metaphor. I would even dare to suggest further that the scaffolding is seasonal so many times. People, places, and situations are often merged with us for a season and when the need has been met, cirucmstances suggest that a fork in the road is best at that point. Praise God for your blog, SharB.

    Cuz T.

    1. Thank you Cuz T. I agree that scaffolding is often seasonal which indicates we may be going through a harsh winter storm or just breezing through a cool summer day. Regardless, approaching the fork in the road is an opportunity for decision. Hopefully for education, growth, and progress.


  3. SharB,
    Thank God for your giftedness. You do have a lot to say...a lot of helpful words that serve as Balm in Gilead for others who are hurting or just need encouraging. Thanks for being authentic and transparent. Peace and Love. mat
