Sunday, August 5, 2018


Food for Thought… (lozenge for thought)

First of all, every time I cough, sneeze, sniff, or hiccup, here comes my husband with a throat lozenge.  I believe that wholeness comes when your whole self is addressed; that is your Mind, Body, and Spirit. Being my analytical self I did what I do…I analyzed the throat lozenge.

First the wrapper:  Halls packaging says “there’s a pep talk in every drop.” Mine right now says,
“Put a little strut in it”
“Bet on yourself”
“Let’s hear your battle cry”
“Power through”

Ok, so I’ve gotten a little mental boost, now to stop a cough and sore throat, in goes the lozenge.  Now that I’m not coughing, I’m sleeping better.  Sleep deprivation leads to sleepiness during the day, less productivity on the job, emotional difficulties, and more.  Additionally, if I sleep better, my husband sleeps better and this leads to both of us having productive work days, emotional stability, and an overall happier marriage. (Simplistic?  Yes, but point made.)

I’m thinking now that I’m not coughing, I’m not spreading germs.  So if everyone had a throat lozenge, there would be less sneezing, coughing, and sputtering leading to more wholesome breathing.  Wholesome breathing leads to improved air quality.  Air quality is one of the four main issues of the Environmental Protection Agency.  So maybe, if we took a throat lozenge, our air quality would improve leading to a cleaner environment. (Too simplistic again? Perhaps, but again point made.)

This little throat lozenge really has a lot of power.  Can the world's problems actually be solved in a throat lozenge?  It helps with emotional stability, (MIND).  It helps physical well-being (BODY).  All that’s left is your SPIRIT.  For that, I recommend the Bible.

Psalm 103:2-3 “Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, and heals all your diseases.”



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