Sunday, July 2, 2017

Hope Remains

Time is ongoing and with time comes change, which is apparent now more than ever.  Until the time comes when we cease to exist, we ought to strive to live our best life focusing on the long term and on the celebration of life.  Although discouragement comes through the chaos of this world, the multiple injustices, the prejudices, and the corruption plaguing our social systems and healthcare, and is enough to break us and shake us to our core, we must remain steadfast, remain committed to fighting, resisting, and standing for what is right.

Back to the title of my blog, Take the Scaffolding Down, the purpose of scaffolding is to provide a temporary supporting structure, and if taken down too soon, the safety of the structure is severely compromised. Speaking metaphorically the stability of the scaffolding in our lives is falling down for many. I refer back to our healthcare system which is relied upon by millions to be available, accessible, and affordable; however, those reassurances that we have come to rely upon are quickly falling apart.  Part of the 492 false claims (lies) made by the current United States president during his first 100 days is that no one would lose health care and there would be no cuts to Medicaid.  The current healthcare proposal threatens to cut Medicaid spending by 35% by 2035 affecting our most vulnerable population.

The fragility of so many American citizens emphasizes the need to fight on, to march on, and to stand for truth and equality.  One thing is sure, Truth does not change, Truth remains stable through and through. While we fight, we must hold on to faith and not allow our faith to be tied to circumstances.  Circumstances are unpredictable and ever-changing but I admonish you to persevere in your faith as a family, as a community, and as a nation.

Don’t ever lose hope.

Through these times of uncertainty remember that all you have worked hard for and continue working hard for is not in vain. Won’t you trust and believe with me that the promise God made to Israel can be our promise today, His plans are to prosper us and not to harm us, plans to give us hope and a future, (Jeremiah 29:11) paraphrased.

This is what must propel you to keep on striving.



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