When exercising your faith, when spending time with the Lord, part of that time typically involves studying the Bible. The Bible is filled with scriptures and God’s promises that easily apply to your daily walk. One particular promise I really grabbed hold to when this mountain of a situation presented itself.
Lord, by faith I’m asking you to move this mountain. Then I recalled an old Baptist hymn that says, “Lord don’t move this mountain; give me the strength to climb it.” Hmm...I even recalled hearing, “Lord, if you don’t move this mountain, help me to tunnel through.” Hmm...I prayed and cried. I cried and prayed.
So here I am, mustering up as much faith as I possibly can and I said ok God, so about that mountain. In my finite mind it seemed inevitable that it wasn’t going anywhere so as I prayed, I said, “Lord, if you don’t move this mountain, give me all the tools…no scratch that, give me everything I need to build a house right on this mountain. My finite mind said yes that is the answer-if that mountain won’t move, we just have to use it!
Now fast forward to the answer.
1. I didn’t climb the mountain.
2. I didn’t tunnel through the mountain.
3. I sure didn’t build a house on that mountain.
That still small voice spoke to me and said what exactly was that scripture you started out your prayers with? I opened my Bible to Mark 11:23 and read, “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.”
The mountain would do what? It would be removed.
Oh, so you won’t be building that house on the mountain?
No, Lord, I won’t. Thank you for moving that mountain.
Mic drop.