Sunday, June 12, 2016

A mother's open letter to her children

Why do open letter?  Because some things you just need to shout from the rooftop! Also, just as you go through life, you never know who is watching you, you never know who might read this and be blessed by it.

Why now?  A chapter has closed; a new chapter has begun.

Hindsight is 20/20.  People often say when looking back that they can see more clearly what was evident all along.  As I look back at your formative years, I am so thankful that we provided you both with a solid foundation.  It makes my heart rejoice to see the scripture (Proverbs 22:6) come to life, “Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” I have watched you both grow into strong adults and I count myself along with my husband, your father by my side, tremendously blessed to have birthed, raised, and watched you both grow.

Of course it hasn’t always been sunshine and lollipops but it was through those special times that we each had an opportunity to grow and think about our decisions and actions.  There were definite times of struggle but as I look back on our struggles and challenges, I believe every step of struggle was a stepping stone leading us up towards higher heights.
We laughed together, we cried together, we played together, we prayed together and above all, even though we are separated by distance we remain a family together.  As your grandfather always taught me, and I reiterate to you my children, “never forget the bloodline.”

      1. Keep God first and everything else will be added to you.
      2. Be good stewards over all that God has blessed you with.  Work your budget; don’t let your budget work you.  Utilize your resources.
      3. Daughter, continue to love your husband, honor him, cherish him, appreciate him. Son, as you seek for a wife, allow God to continue to equip you to be the man that will honor and love his wife as Christ loves the church.
      4. Remain steadfast and unmovable, stand firm and strong in your beliefs.
      5. Don’t forget that it’s ok to color outside of the lines, it’s ok to step outside of the box, it’s ok to step out from the crowd and allow your brains and your hearts to work out their creative destiny.
      6. Help somebody.
      7. Enjoy life, have fun, love, laugh.
      8. No one can ever take your knowledge or education. Keep studying, keep reading.
      9. No one takes your heart; guard your heart because everything you do flows from your heart.
      10. Hold fast to the lessons taught to you by your mother and father.
As you both continue on this journey called life through new doors, into new seasons, remain vigilant, always aware of your surroundings.  Stay away from the naysayers, they will try to discourage you and rob you of your dreams.  God has blessed you with magnificent gifts; continue to nurture and grow each gift as you achieve your goals and fulfill your purpose.

With all my love from the bottom of my heart…


I share one of my favorite Langston Hughes poems…

A Dream Deferred

What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat?
Or crust and sugar over—
like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?



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