Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Heart

I dedicate this blog to the memory of my mother who died on February 18, 1983 and I hope that as you read, you will see how crucial it is to guard your heart; physically emotionally, and spiritually.

The heart is such a valuable part of your physical body and I bring this blog to you not only honoring the memory of my mother but also because February is Women’s Heart Health Awareness Month.  My mother died during open heart surgery at a time when medical technology had not become as advanced as it is now.  Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States with a greater mortality rate than Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, and chronic lung disease.  The American Heart Association continues to draw attention to women’s awareness of their risks for heart disease.  Statistics show that 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for heart disease.  The symptoms are different between men and women and 1 in 3 women die from heart disease each year.  Reducing the risk of heart disease include staying active and healthy lifestyle choices such as not smoking, controlling blood press and blood sugar levels and knowing your family history.  I encourage you to visit the American Heart Association’s and the Go Red for Women websites to further your education and understanding of heart disease.

The heart is also a valuable part of your emotional being and is totally open and pure as we are born into this life.  Growth and change, life circumstances, relationships, hardships, and the like take away that simple purity.  As life happens, there are certain occurrences that hurt your heart, break your heart, and even harden your heart.  Allow your heart to heal and do not let the issues of life harden your heart, rather remain giving or loving and turn that hardness into a positive force.

The heart is also at the center of our spiritual being, a wellspring absorbing and pouring out constantly, which brings me to Proverbs 4: 23 (NIV) which says, “Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”  Guarding your spiritual heart, from which the issues of life flow, means protecting it from negative issues including bitterness, anger, and hatred.  The commitment of a Godly lifestyle provides the guard over your heart needed to live and breathe spiritually, physically, and emotionally.

My mother taught me the importance of a healthy spiritual heart and even when the heart condition she had endured since birth weakened her physical heart, she continued to exude strength and faith in all she said and did.

An unhealthy heart greatly impacts you, your family, and those who care about you.  Guard your heart through maintaining a healthy lifestyle making wise choices.  Educate yourself on all matters of the heart so that you will know how to allow your heart to breathe, to live, to give, and to take.  I hope this blog has inspired you and motivated you and encouraged you to guard your heart with all diligence.


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