Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day Reflection

I recall attending countless ceremonies during my husband’s time in the United States Army while he served as the Non-Commissioned Officer in Charge of Ceremonies.  This was a responsibility that held great distinction, responsibility, and honor.  It was always a proud moment for me to be part of the audience observing how the magnificent efforts of planning, preparation, protocol, and coordination came together to honor the various occasions.

The Memorial Day ceremony was especially significant, drawing hundreds to the National Cemetery to honor the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.  It is always a poignant tribute to observe the American flags that donned each grave site.

A point of order of the ceremony is the raising of the flag from half-staff to full staff at noon.  The flag flies at half-staff until noon in honor and respect to each man and woman who sacrificed their lives for this country.

Following this link opens a pdf document that includes information regarding the total number of service members in each conflict as well as the number of deaths.  The numbers are staggering.  The cost of war not only in dollars but in lives affected is overwhelming to comprehend.

What is the solution?  It is very complicated; however it involves research and gaining an understanding of foreign policy.  Part of the solution lies in careful research and consideration of our elected officials. Part of the solution is ensuring that your voice is heard through voting.  The goal is peace; the goal is to live in a world without war.  It does not seem feasible or likely; however, we must continue to advocate for and pray for peace.

President Obama issued a proclamation establishing this Memorial Day as a day of prayer for permanent peace and reminds us that Congress established the National Moment of Remembrance asking Americans to pause at 3 p.m. local time for one minute to honor those who died in service to the United States.

I hope that you are inspired and encouraged to not only enjoy this holiday, enjoy the food, family, and friends; but also to take a moment to pray for peace as well as pause and reflect at 3 p.m.



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