Sunday, December 2, 2012

Take the Scaffolding Down of Scaffolding...

There was a story in the news recently about a homeless man that had no shoes in the frigid cold state of New York.  His reply to the officer who questioned him about his shoes was that it’s ok I never had any shoes.  For the officer that answer was unacceptable so he went to the nearest shoe store and requested the best pair of all weather boots and thick socks for this homeless man.

This random act of kindness was caught on film by a passerby and is now on display across the avenues of media.  Although intended to be a quiet moment on a cold New York evening, this officer’s actions now speak volumes for the world to hear.

Can you hear the message?  Can you feel the warmth?  What can you do to tear down the scaffolding of your own scaffolding?  Perhaps there is a random act of kindness you can impart on an unsuspecting soul.

There was a story many years ago about a man traveling to a town and the path of his journey took him through a particular part of town that was avoided by all traveling in that area.  While traveling, he stopped for water.  The woman at the well wondered why a man of his repute would ask a woman of her ill repute for water.  That drink of water served a paramount purpose.  It gave that man an opportunity to offer that woman an encouraging word, a word of faith. (This story is found in John 4)
We are now in the holiday season of 2012 and gift giving, canned food drives, turkey giveaways and more are often part of the theme.  Let u go an extra step and maintaining that pattern now and throughout the coming year.  Let us take the scaffolding down of our own scaffolding and reaching out a helping hand through a kind deed, a word spoken, or perhaps something tangible.  Then allow that pattern to carry over into the coming year.

Again I ask what barriers prevent you from offering an encouraging word?  Tear them down.
Strive to be the one that makes a change…it is your move.



  1. Loved this mother! So very proud of you. So many of us take for granted the things we have in life and forget about those who don't even have half of what we complain about... You are right we need to encourage someone and say a kind word.

    1. Thank you for your comment daughter. Keep on keeping on!
