As 2017 ended, many of us committed to not bringing all the 2017 baggage into 2018 and yet here we are at the start of February and some of us can say that the first 30 days of the year have been so full of flurry and activity, some good and some bad; however, either way, it often feels like nothing else can be added to your plate. You may even say that your plate is so full there's not even room for gravy. The load that you bear is manageable with faith. Faith says that all things work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 paraphrased). Rather than worry about what lies ahead, make room for gravy. I hasten to remind you that number 8 represents new beginnings, regeneration, a fresh start and with 11 months still to go, won’t you grab hold to hope with me and be encouraged knowing that things will get better.
Regeneration starts in your mind. Muhammad Ali said, “If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it, then I can achieve it.” What positive attributes, what successes, what accomplishments have you conceived in your mind? Your past failings are NOT an indication of the brightness of your future. Let’s glean wisdom from the past and use it to propel us into the future. Say with me, I believe that I have a future and a hope!
I encourage you to have a grateful and appreciative attitude in life. Seeing the good in life, seeing the many blessings we have, and those that are yet to come helps us see that maybe there really is room for gravy. So push all that over, pour on the gravy, and march on! You will not be given more than you can bear. Tap into your faith and with a heart of thanksgiving run on into the rest of 2018.
P.S. Don’t forget to make your bed J