Saturday, August 5, 2017

Just to Encourage you...

Certainly, we have all faced hurt, rejection, and disappointment in our lives. Throughout life we experience triumphs and failures. Perhaps you are even in the midst of a situation now, which seems too heavy to bear, but be assured this storm will pass over. Your reaction to the storm and your response during it are instrumental to the overall outcome. Seek wisdom while determining the best course of action.  Wisdom says take a moment, ponder the circumstances, and make a decision today that will be good tomorrow. I’ve heard it said, “Don’t let today’s reaction become tomorrow’s regret.”

If you are hurt, face the hurt and acknowledge it and although feelings of wanting to seek revenge may well up, pause and remind yourself at that very moment whose you are. Dig deep into that center of your spiritual being and seek the strength, wisdom, and courage for what faces you.

Feel weak?  God is your strength.
Feel unable? God is your ability.
Feel confused?  God is your confidence.
Feel tired?  God is your rejuvenation.

Perhaps you have hurts, rejections, or disappointments lingering from the past. To you I say, ask God for the strength to tear down the walls, open the windows, and clean out the past.  Refuse to allow hurt and pain to dwell in you, rather allow joy and peace to flood in again. I have learned that it is through faith in God that the storms of life are bearable.  I have learned that by faith that mountain will move. I have learned that by faith, after every storm there is a rainbow to remind you of God’s faithfulness to his promises.

I hope this brief message has encouraged you and given your faith a boost.
