Tuesday, September 20, 2016


Show us direction to walk into the Healing, show us Direction to run on for Justice.  Through the turmoil through the wars, and rumors of wars, through the killings, through the bullying, through the mercilessness of neglect, through the venomous words that come from people’s mouths, oh God help us to still stand Erect and hold our heads high because according to the word of God the end is near and we must now more than ever be in a state of preparedness.
The devil in his many disguises is roaming every street corner, every school, every home, every church, every court house, and more attempting to devour another someone, another anyone.  Be prepared, be alert, and pray for the strength to survive.
Stand firm,
Stand erect,
Stand for what you believe in,
Kneel if you must to pay your respects, to symbolize your belief, to symbolize your cause and when you get up from kneeling, STAND UP like you never stood before…and MARCH ON!

#Take the Scaffolding Down

Monday, September 12, 2016


Many of us have a memory of September 11, 2001 that will forever be engrained in our mind and heart.  One memory that resonates for me is the profound silence that followed. I recall standing outside later that fateful day in September and even several days after and it was silent. The skies were blue and clear, the sun was shining bright and it was silent.  Air traffic had been brought to a halt.  As I moved throughout those next days, I observed and was the recipient of many spontaneous acts of kindness, courtesy, and consideration.  For a period of time it seemed we shared one another’s pain.

Slowly and regrettably very surely, the noise returned.  Indeed there are many people who maintain a lifestyle of extending a hand, of being kind.  To you I say thank you and please continue on.  We must be cautious and stop allowing the busyness of life and the noise of the people, places, and things around us to distract us.

Take a moment for silence and reflect.  The pain is still very real for so many today.  We still must share the pain.  We still must empathize with one another.  We still must stand together with the resolve and resilience so often spoken of.

Pause with me for a moment of silence…
