Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Take it Down and Take a Stand

This blog is titled Take the Scaffolding Down!  So take it down!  Take the scaffolding down that encapsulates your thinking, take the scaffolding down that squashes your dreams, take the scaffolding down of anything in your life that hinders you from moving forward to your goals, to the change you strive for, to walking in your purpose.

Our land needs a healing, from the floor boards in your house to the community recreation house, the church house, the prison house, and any other “house” you step foot in.  As the scaffolding comes down, something different is revealed, change is revealed.

It is time to tear down the scaffolding that surrounds us of racial and social injustice.  We are faced with tragedy after tragedy.  Where are the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness promised to every American? 

The road to achieving these ought not to be virtually impassable.  Equality, fairness, and justice is for all, not just all that look a certain way or have a certain home, car, or dollar amount in their pocket.  The injustice we see is far outweighing the justice we see.  What is justice?  Justice is JUST US striving to make a difference to see the equality so long ago promised.  You with the voice to speak up and speak out, do it.  You with the ability to lend a hand to pull someone up or push someone forward, do it.

We have a duty to STAND! We have a duty to SPEAK!  We have a duty to VOTE!

We have a right to STAND! We have a right to SPEAK!  We have a right to VOTE!

We must right the wrongs.  I believe that by strength & faith in God we can represent and be the change we so earnestly seek.
 STAND like the tree that does not wither.  In all that you do, let it be a powerful statement that prospers, encourages, and brings life.

I pray that every believer will fall down and cry out to God for our city for our community and for our country and continue steadfastly with hope and faith.

Joy comes in the morning...oh Lord how long the's coming. God promised!
