Friday, January 9, 2015

Snow Day!

What do you do on a snow day?

Well play in the snow I say!

Make a snowman, snow angels, throw snowballs, and go sledding!

Do I dare go out and let go of this warm bedding?

Why not just curl up and watch a movie, read a book, or write a letter?

These suggestions sound much warmer and so much better.

But you must come outside and after playing in the snow,

I promise lots of cookies and delicious hot cocoa!

Whether inside you stay or outside you go,

Be assured that birds will soon sing

For just around the corner is yet another Spring!


Saturday, January 3, 2015

Welcome to 2015!

I offer this brief message and word of encouragement for the New Year.  2014 is behind us and has left behind much heartache and unsettling memories, and certainly many accomplishments and many unrealized opportunities.  Some of the burdens we thought resolved and left behind have tagged along into the New Year; however be cautious not to allow situations or circumstances to overtake us.  Now is the time to yank down the scaffolding of those burdens that try to weigh us down and strive diligently for hope, peace and unity.

The key word I’ve been hearing for 2015 is CHANGE.  Not just during the first month of the year, but throughout the year consider the answers to the following questions:

What change is needed as I look at me?

What change is needed in my home?

What change is needed in my community?

What is the best way I can affect change?

Be happy.  Depression and joy can not dwell together.  As stated previously, nothing and no one should take your joy.

Speak words of life.  Communicate so that you are heard and understood.

Do good deeds.  Sometimes it just takes one person to perform a good act for the next person to follow the example.

Don't give up, don’t give in, don't get sidetracked, but remain focused on what lies ahead and what needs to be done and do it with all diligence.

God is faithful to strengthen us and equip us with the tools necessary to accomplish our goals.  Remain vigilant, remain focused on the task before you, and remain encouraged to see your goals and dreams through to the end.

Continue to press forward knocking on every door and taking advantage of every opportunity to make a change.  The experiences of the past year have paved the way for a new beginning.  2015 is here and the opportunities are endless.  Seek peace, hold on to the joy promised you, renew your plans, and revive your hopes.  Keep your dreams alive.  Stand firm in your faith and move forward.

Be excited about your future and anticipate the best outcome!
