Wednesday, December 24, 2014


That preacher was good!  What was the sermon about?  I don’t know but it was good!  Have you ever heard that or had that conversation with someone?  Well that was absolutely NOT the case on this past Sunday at Olivet Institutional Baptist Church, Cleveland, Ohio.  The preacher PREACHED!  Thank you Rev. Chaney for letting the Lord use you to minister to us!

Just a few thoughts I want to share with you from her sermon as well as adding my own reflections.

Our communities have been plagued with so much chaos, death and destruction and we wonder why when we have just started getting over one situation, something else happens.  The preacher started her sermon with this scripture, to provide an answer to the question of why. Psalm 10 verses 1-4 of the NKJV:

1 Why do You stand afar off, O Lord?
Why do You hide in times of trouble?
2 The wicked in his pride persecutes the poor;
Let them be caught in the plots which they have devised.
3 For the wicked boasts of his heart’s desire;
He blesses the greedy and renounces the Lord.
4 The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God;
God is in none of his thoughts.

  • This week of celebration may be shadowed in many tragic events; however we are entitled to our joy.
  • Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy.
  • Watch out for the joy takers…(do a self check and make sure it’s not you)!
  • Be a joy maker.
  • Help others to live.
  • Avoid negativity.  Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy.
  • Stuff does happen, but trust the Lord and joy will come.
  • Don’t let anyone or anything steal your joy.
Take a moment to reflect on the reason for the celebration this week, the birth of Jesus Christ.  In spite of what you see in the world, do not let your faith waver, hold fast to the profession of your faith.  I encourage you to allow the joy of the Lord to surround you.  I encourage you to reflect on the blessings you have received and be thankful.  Then I encourage you to step out and help someone else to live, help someone else regain their joy.

I wish you a joyous, peaceful, and Merry Christmas!


Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Thoughts on Recent Events...

The title of my blog is Take the Scaffolding Down and as a reminder, I use scaffolding metaphorically to represent something, someone, or a situation that needs to come down or be removed in your life. Expanding upon that, I say to you,

Take the scaffolding down of hatred.
Take the scaffolding of violence.
Take the scaffolding down of domestic violence.
Take the scaffolding down of injustice.
Take the scaffolding down of poverty.
Take the scaffolding down of homelessness.
Take the scaffolding down of hunger.

And the list continues of the social issues facing us.  These and other social issues that pervade our society affect every community.  How we respond is what makes the difference.  The demonstrations across the country have heightened the awareness of and raised many questions as to the policies and procedures of law enforcement and the judicial system.

The ideal situation is that everyone will always behave in a rational and law-abiding manner, and then we would not even need police officers.  The reality is that everyone does not always behave in rational, law abiding ways; however officers have to find ways to deal with unruly people without using deadly force.  This needs to be implemented into police officer training.

There has been concern regarding the mantra, “Black Lives Matter.”  The concern being that ALL lives matter, and indeed they do; however statistics show that black lives have consistently been targeted in disproportionate numbers and the tragic events over the last several months has brought that fact to the forefront.  Media coverage is never fair and balanced, therefore it becomes incumbent upon us to shed light and bring awareness within our communities.

As parents, teachers, and community leaders, now is the time to educate and reeducate our children, especially our young black men.  Now is the time to stand with families who have suffered these unbearable losses.  Now is the time to stand for what is right. 

Many of the social issues I listed above have legislative action tied to them regarding the solution and management of these issues.  Do you disagree with the decisions of lawmakers?  Did you vote to make a change?  When the system that is in place does not work, it is time to revise it.  It is through our unity and solidarity that change is made.

Change through unity and solidarity, change through your voice, change through your actions can be realized, but we still have a long way to go and great deal of work to do.  Help the healing through support, listening and positive progressive action.

If you want to see change, you must be the change you want to be.  I encourage you to let your life be the light of hope God intended you to be.

Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are. **Benjamin Franklin