Monday, October 20, 2014

Purpose Beyond the Walls

In keeping with the theme of tearing down the scaffolding and going beyond the walls, you are presented with the following questions:

    1. Are you doing what you want to do or what someone else wants you to do?
    2. What or who directs you?
People do better when knowing their purpose and functioning in the capacity that fulfills them.  The key is to find out what really works for you, what you are good at.  What you gravitate to is what you are good at.  Many of our actions and decisions are in response to what life dictates.

Is your goal to make people agree with you?  Have you been doing things that seem to make people happy around you but leaves you unfulfilled?  Waiting for acceptance from your friend, co-worker, even family can be daunting and send you on an endless spiral of doing things that will only gain acceptance or approval from others.  When you step out of the box and seek you purpose and allow your personal transformation to evolve, a greater sense of satisfaction and accomplishment is realized.

Success hinges on your ability to function in a multidimensional environment.  We are part of this multidimensional environment; which therefore requires Godly wisdom and decision-making.  Decisions made based on what has been purposed for your life and the willingness to make changes, to transform our thoughts, our decisions, and our actions.

Transformation requires flexibility and the ability to adapt to the environment.  Cultural and familial stability is indeed important; however to broaden your horizon, to perform within your purpose and desire, you must allow flexibility in.  Are the people you surround yourself with encouraging you to reach higher heights or simply stay where you are and even go back to where you were?

One of my favorite creatures is the butterfly.  The butterfly went through many stages and changes in life before it became a beautiful butterfly.  What if the caterpillar stayed inside its skin without moving on through the stages?    It would have never experienced the level of becoming a butterfly.  Just like the butterfly goes through a metamorphosis, as I like to refer to it, a transformation, to reach its potential, so must we.  It is ok to step out of the shell, to step beyond the walls of scaffolding and soar to the next level.

I’ll be back soon with part two…
