Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Reconvene in 2013

As we begin this New Year, I challenge you; I challenge myself to make 2013 a year of renewing.  First, by renewing your relationship with God.  Recall that initial encounter with the Lord and revive the freshness of the new relationship with Him, and draw even closer.

Renew your dreams, renew your plans.   Perhaps you had a plan; perhaps you started making that dream come alive.  That contribution you have is important.

Make 2013 the year to reconvene.  Get it started again.  Bring those plans back together again, stop procrastinating and make it happen.

If you have not done so already, make a commitment to be an instrument of change no matter how small or how large the change, do it.

A staggering statistic was reached in Chicago in 2012.  There were over 500 homicides in 2012. (506 to be exact)  This is only the number from one city; however, the numbers remain high for gang-related homicides and mass shootings such as the most recent that has plagued our nation at Sandy Hook Elementary.  The question still unanswered is why?  Where do we start to find a solution? Why do some individuals have no regard for human life?  What is the best solution to keeping guns out of the hands of people with a known mental illness?  How do we stop gang violence?  What is the attraction to gangs and the violence they perpetuate?  We must get to the root of these and many other issues for change to occur.

Some of the answers to these and many other questions are still far away.  Part of the solution involves the media not sensationalizing the criminal and still another part of the solution involves penetrating the communities, the schools, the churches, and the homes with education.  We need to be aware of and act on the warning signs of potential violence and troubling behavior, particularly among our youth.  Be an instrument of change in your own home and then let it permeate into the schools, the community, and our nation.

I pray that 2013 is a wonderfully blessed year for you.  A year to reconvene the plans, the strategies, and the change that was started.
