Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Independence Day…Freedom…What a wonderful concept, what a wonderful feeling if only all could truly experience independence, if all could truly experience freedom.  The original thirteen colonies declared their independence from British rule, a resolution was adopted, and after much political debating, a conclusion was finally reached.

The Preamble is recited daily in many schools.  Just to refresh your memory, I quote the Preamble here:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

That is how it worked back in 1776 and today we stand on the constitution as the stepping-stone to every man, woman, and child’s, basic human rights.
In a nutshell this says that the court system will be fair, there will be peace, safety, needs will be met, rights of freedom will be supported and when infringed upon, will be remedied, and of course all of this applies to not only us, but our children, children’s children, and so on.

Now we have, for example, the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, and so much more but I ask, hasn’t some of the “rights” been taken too far and turned into “wrongs?”  Crime rates are way up.  Chicago just recently reported 250 homicides in 2012 and that number is increasing.  Chicago is compared to New York who has reported a declining homicide rate of 193. (Chicago is one-third the size of New York).  This is just one example; however, there are reports of many big cities seeing a reduction in the murder rate.  However, on the other hand many cities are fighting to restore order to the communities and neighborhoods.

Many issues plague our nation and threaten every fiber of The Preamble quoted earlier.  There are still numerous Trayvon Martins out there still seeking justice.  The numbers of missing and exploited children is astronomical.  The numbers of black children in this category are astounding, although based on the news reports you may not think so.

Let’s bring this in a little closer to home and I refer back to the scaffolding analogy.  Some may use the scaffolding as the protective barrier to keep the outside world…well outside.  Take the scaffolding down; take a peek at the outside world so that you can see what is really going on.  Too many people live behind the scaffolding because they have been robbed of their freedom and independence.  Guns, violence, murder, etc does not have to be the order of the day.  The order of the day must be peace and a feeling of safety in the home, church, school, community.  The order of the day must be meeting the needs of our fellow Americans, starting again at home and then permeating out into the church, school, community, and beyond.

Remain aware and vigilant to restore and maintain peace, freedom, and independence starting in your own corner of the world then implement that change beyond your scaffolding.

How will you celebrate your Independence today?  I welcome your input.
