Saturday, June 23, 2012

Procrastination Revisited

So here I am after a rather lengthy hiatus.  Life has continued to happen and it has happened at breakneck speed.

Isn’t it interesting that the last blog I wrote was titled Procrastination?  Waiting…Procrastinating…for me has created a backlog of words.  I start by continuing my thoughts on procrastination.
We all procrastinate sometimes and that is not a bad thing.  A lifestyle of procrastination of allowing distractions to overtake your goals is however not healthy.

Procrastination can lead to feelings of inadequacy and ineptness.  However, I say you can and you must purpose and plan to do what is in your heart to do.  Tap into every resource within yourself, combine it with faith to believe, and then do it; bring on the corresponding action and procrastination is defeated.
The initial step is often the hardest, but I encourage you to forge ahead, take that first step, that leap of faith into that project, task, or goal you have been longing to do.  It is even healthier for you.  Procrastination brings on feelings of defeat, which can lead to depression.  Stepping out on faith brings on feelings of confidence, which leads to conquering the next step and the next step, and then your whole countenance is lifted.

You will be happier, you will know it, and your face will surely show it!
Be careful not to allow being busy accomplishing things that are important to interfere with actually accomplishing what gives you the most sense of satisfaction.  This requires a plan, a goal, and determination to get through the busy things in life that need to be done and then set aside the time to do what you have been putting off.

Don’t waste another moment...get off your do-nothing and do something!
