Friday, May 4, 2012


Why wait?

Why procrastinate?

Why is it that sometimes the very thing you desire to do does not get done?  Is it because tomorrow the sun will shine brighter?  Tomorrow I will have more money in the bank.  Tomorrow the kids will be out of school.  Tomorrow my health will be better.  Tomorrow I will be more focused and get it accomplished.

Who promised you tomorrow?

Whether the sun shines or it is pouring down rain, whether recession or economic growth, whatever the circumstance or hindrance, it is time to rip down the scaffolding of procrastination and indecision.  Reach for the stars and pursue your dream.

There are often real circumstances that hinder our progress.  On the other hand, there are factors such as fear of failure and yes-even fear that this may be a success.  Sometimes we put off our dream due to feeling it is not important enough or we question our ability to successfully accomplish this goal.

Sometimes there is just no motivation.  Sometimes you may feel you need someone pushing you along and cheering your success.  This flows over to a lack of confidence.  We often question our thoughts, motives, and plans and wonder if it is such a good idea.  Can I actually do this?

Yes, you can.

This just scratches the surface of why we procrastinate.

The bottom line is (if I may borrow Nike’s phrase) just do it!  Do not spend time in a personal debate of whether to do it or not.  Do not spend time in a personal debate on whether you can or not.  If it is your dream, your hope, your desire to accomplish that thing, then start the steps now to get it done.

Do not let the plot they bury you in be the one overflowing with the unfulfilled wishes, hopes, and dreams.

Thanks for reading.  I welcome your input…
